Exploring alternatives, maximizing financial potential

About us

Born from a visionary partnership between two of Brazil's largest private banks, Bradesco and banco BV, Tivio Capital is a new brand with over two decades of history in Asset management. This rich heritage, combined with our innovative approach, positions us as a trusted ally on your financial journey.Beyond our experienced team and among the most distinctive classes of investments funds, we offer alternative investments, ensuring that our clients have access to a diversified portfolio of opportunities. This achievement is orchestrated through a meticulous and robust investment process, harmonized with stringent risk management protocols diligently followed by our portfolio managers.

+ US$
                       assets under management
of history
investment professionals

Asset Management


We have been a key player in the Brazilian credit funds market for over 20 years.

Energy & Infra

Diversified investments, with enviromentally friendly portfolio as an attractive and socially responsible investment option.

Real Estate

We manage REITs, providing real estate exposure with liquidity and professional management, with monthly dividends and the possibility of capital appreciation.


Diverse investments strategies, fostering sustainable growth in this vital sector of the brazilian economy.